Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Pssttt... I need a new NCLEX Review book. I am dying in the psychiatric portion of my Process class and need to practice as many questions as possible for my final exam. Do you guys have any suggestions? I already have the new Saunders review, which I LOVE. I can't seem to find another quite as good...

Oh, and don't forget to check out the new blog in the "Rent My Blog" section! :)

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I'm Trying...

I'm so trying to get through this nursing school thing, but it's so hard.

I'm in my psych rotation and, it's safe to say, this has been the hardest semester of all. My psych final is coming up and I'm pretty much, well, freaking out. I can miss 37 points on my 100 point final, but I will never believe that that's enough! I can also miss 20 points on my 60 point Pharmacology final, but again... not enough.

Am I crazy? I mean, I've stressed out every block... but Block III has definitely put me at the max.

I say I'd never go back and do it all over again, but the truth is, I probably would. I have so many friends who are going into nursing... it's hard to be encouraging knowing all of the time and energy that goes into it, and I think I scare them with my lack of free time. But what else can I do? Sugar coat it? I love that a friend of mine who recently turned in her application says she won't get a job in a hospital while she's waiting to get in because she "doesn't want to clean old people." Interesting. Yes, she's my friend... but I cannot help but think to myself, Wow - get ready for a wake up call. Do people think nursing school is all about taking care of healthy babies and children? Is this what people think we do? Hmm...

Anyway, I will feel so relieved when this semester is over. I feel that if I can get past an accelerated 2-month Block II and Block III, I can do anything.

I guess we'll see.