Monday, May 22, 2006

Game 7

I'm really tempted to delete that last post. I must have been feeling very desperate! I cannot even count the number of more important topics I could be writing about. My upcoming 5 week Pharmacology course, for instance. A whole semester/block of Pharm in just 5 weeks- ouch. There's so much to do even before our first class on June 1st. I'm going to be one busy lady.

In other news, the Phoenix Suns are playing game 7 against the Clippers tonight at 7:30 AZ time. I cannot wait - I know Nash and Marion are going to pick up their game, and Thomas will be back in as well (so I've heard). It'll be awesome to see them move on to the next round! So that's my main focus of the night.

Go Suns!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Brassy Blonde

Ok, as un-interesting as a topic this will be, I need hair advice! Leave it to me, of course, to ask for hair advice on my blog.

I recently colored my hair and actually got great results- except for one little glitch. My roots that were growing in from my last coloring were brownish(or dark blonde, however you want to look at it). When I colored my hair blonde, the dark roots turned a brassy color- the rest of it, though, looks GREAT! I love the blonde. I even have little streaks of strawberry blonde/brownish color because of my previous highlights. Does anyone know how I can fix the roots? It's not terrible, but it still bothers me. I've heard of washing it with dawn dish soap to tone down the brassiness- am I crazy, or does that sound right? :) I was also going to grab some toner from Sally's, but I don't really want to screw it up. So any advice would be much appreciated. :)

I have to work tonight and tomorrow night, so I'm off to take a small nap. This two night thing is working great for me- much better than the previous 3 in a row. In the 7p-7a shift, one night makes a huge difference.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A Well Deserved Break!

So my final was yesterday, and I got my very last grade- a B in Process class! I was very happy with a 44/50 on my final. Could have done better, I'm sure, but I am happy nonetheless! That's way too much stressing for me... I'll have to remind myself not to cut it so close in Block II!

Today we had a one-time math prep class to prepare us (those who signed up for it) for our Block II Pharmacology math test. We have to take a 10 question test the very first day back (May 30) over calculations of medications, pediatric medications based on weight, IV drip rates, etc. and get a 100%. We have three chances to take it, but I took the one credit class as a "just in case". I'm glad I did, too... I'm not sure I could have taught myself everything we went over just by reading the book. Math and I don't get along.

Upon receiving my grade yesterday I went ahead and did some very needed hair care: I box colored my hair myself... ahhh! It actually came out pretty good ... very, very light blonde. The roots are a little brassy because they were darker than the rest of my hair... I'm working on fixing that. Otherwise I'm pretty happy... I just have to get a tan and get used to it!

Now, the most important subject of the day: Did you all see the season finale of Grey's Anatomy last night?!?

I had a few of my girlfriends over to watch - It was, in a word, amazing. I'm absolutely addicted to the show. Unlike most viewers, though, I'm not a huge fan of Chris O'Donnell, or as you may know him, "Finn", aka "McVet". I was absolutely, positively ecstatic when Meredith and Derek left the prom and met up with each other. I'm a very, very big McDreamy fan. And the way he loves her... well, it just makes your heart melt.

Denny dying- absolutely, positively terrible. I was really not expecting that, even though I probably should have been... I didn't think I would be so sad to see him go.

Oh, and can we talk about Cristina? How rude was she? She's lucky she went in there and grabbed Burke's hand to redeem herself... I was not happy!

Ok, now that I got all of that out... I cannot wait for season 3. Actually, I can't even wait for season 2 to come out on DVD.

I probably watch way too much T.V.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Student Nurse's Prayer

Lord, I know we go through this every day but please give me the knowledge as to why I actually wanted to go to nursing school.

Lord, give me the strength to make it through those boring three hour lectures without falling asleep.

Lord, please give me the patience to make it through twelve hour clinicals with instructors that can't just give you the right answer and on the same note, give the nurses the ability to remember what it was like to be a student and give us just a little more respect.

Lord, give me the endurance to read all the assigned readings and be able to remember it when I am taking a test with four right answers.

Lord, give my family and friends the ability to realize I really am on the edge of insanity.

Finally, Lord, give me the vision to see that one day I will be a real nurse and I will never have to wear this ugly uniform again.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

F i n a l l y it's Finals!

Guess who only has one more day of class? Oh right, it's me! I have a final on Monday in my Nursing Process class. The good news? I've heard it's really easy. That's a blessing because I only have 15 points to lose! I'm feeling mucho confidente. I'm going to be so relieved when it's over. I've already planned an outing to celebrate!

Last night we had our "end of clinical" party at my instructor's house. Have I mentioned how completely great she was? We really could not have asked for a better experience. Her name is Melissa, she is 30 years old and she's an ER nurse. Judging by everyone else's clinical stories, we got really lucky. Anyway, the party went well. Not too many people showed up, but we had a few drinks, lots of laughs, and it was a good time. Melissa and her friend(who is also a clinical instructor, who is also awesome) are starting up a great website - Out of the Box RN... hopefully by the time anyone clicks that, it'll be up and running. :)

In other news, I absolutely hate the My Super Sweet 16 show on MTV, and I absolutely love Grey's Anatomy. The season finale is on tomorrow and Monday and I cannot wait!

Also, a huge way to go to Steve Nash (back to back MVP!) and our Phoenix Suns for being so kickass.

That's all for now!